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"If It Continues Like This - I Will Lose My Job"
(German reporter's 1960 Interview With Capt Bill Stoker)

Extract from Westfalisches Volksblatt, dated: 14 June 1960:

Excellent Co-operation between Canadian Troops and German Police:

Paderborn County -
spacer If it continues to be so quiet, I will soon lose my job, affably smiling Captain Stoker of the Canadian Military Police said at a press conference in Sonnelager. Our straight-forward question had been: How many incidents, involving German Nationals and Canadian troops have occurred since the beginning of the exercises? His answer was extremely comforting and we could easily gather from it, that the Canadian Brigade is willing to avoid anything which in anyway might disturb or alarm the German population.

spacer During the last few weeks, Canadian troops have been participating in an exercise in the Sonnelager Training Area. Prior to their arrival, all questions regarding the camping of the troops have been discussed between Captain Stoker and Polizierat Koenig, the responsible Chief of the Detmold Police, to enable by close co-operation to avoid all incidents - or, if necessary - take immediate and effective action. The main body of the Canadian Military Police consists of 2 Officers (seven specialists) 37 Corporals, who are divided into three sections with 17 patrol vehicles. In each section there are six Corporals on duty. - Every night at 2100 hrs 2 patrols consisting of two Corporals and an interpreter and an interpreter report to the German Police Station In Paderborn and Schloss Neuhaus, from there they report to their H.Q. by phone, every hour.

spacer Captain Stoker was full of praise regarding the co-operation between the German Police and the Canadian Military Police. He further states that the discipline among the Canadian troops has considerably improved in the last few years, more so sincethe Canadian soldiers are all voluntarily serving in the army. Already at home, as the Captain emphasised, a high standard in character must be maintained. In addition to this, more importance than in the past is allocated to good conduct whilst undergoing basic training.

spacer In summarizing, Captain Stoker pointed out: our biggest problem is among the troops is alcohol. However since no incidents have occurred so far, we hope that everything continues to be as it is and that we do not have to worry about anything that will dim the harmony between the German population and the Canadian troops.

Gerhard VIOHL
4 Provost platoon

Addendum: On the 27 June 2017, Major (retired) Bill Stoker forwaded the following information in support of the foregoing article:
  • One-thing that is missing from that story is the of collaboration we Provost received from other corps. The distance troops had to traverse for a night in town, it was significantly far and costly. Incidents were more probable if troops had to find their own way to return to their units. The Royal Canadian Army Service Corps (RCASC), unstintedly when asked, gave assistance. Trucks arrived in town at 11pm, MP patrols advised the merry-makers their Taxi was on schedule so, finish your drink gentlemen. After the first night, the question was: "where's our taxi?" Mess-hall chats had paid-off!
  • We used that system later at the Luneburg Heide concentration - worked like a charm.