Corps RSMs Annual Conference
(1960's era)
Photo of C Pro C RSMs and Corps senior officers.
Shown in the above photo are the Cream Of The Crop of the C Pro C, those WOI's who filled the prestigious positions of Regimental Sergeant Majors in major Corps Units. The RSMs in attendance at their Annual Conference in the early 1960's, joined with several of the key Corps Senior Officers for their group photo. From left to right are: Rear Row: WOI's' Gerry Christie, Art Heymans, Jim Holland, Reg Lenton, Earl Gray and Vic Delaney.
Front Row: Capt Ray Lawlor, LCol WE (Bill) Lee, Col JR (Jim) Stone and Major (retired Colonel) Andy Ritchie.

Photo provided by the former CWO of The Canadian Forces School Of Intelligence And Security, CWO (retired) George W. Elliott of Kingston, ON.