Image of the C Pro C Kings Hat Badge. Image of the C Pro C Shoulder Patch. Image of the C Pro C Queens Hat Badge.
Canadian Provost Corps Virtual Association
- Previous Guest Book Entries -
( Jan 2023 - Jan 2018 )
Date: Monday 2nd of January 2023, 12:41:05, ADT
Name: Larry Pace
Number: 659
Happy New Year everyone. Have a great 2023. How's every thing going Samual Avery Moses.

Date: Sunday 1st of January 2023, 10:56:14, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 658
Now is a good time to wish all a Happy New Year.

Date: Sunday 1st of January 2023, 10:40:26, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 657
Happy New Year to you fewer remaining fellow C Pro C guys. Remember our buddies that are no longer with us. I hope this new year improves for all of us. I wish more would post here and keep Mel busy.
Date: Thursday 22nd of December 2022, 11:36:11, ADT
Name: Clifford Beler
Number: 656
I would like to wish all my old friends and colleagues and their families, a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Hopefully, the new year will be somewhat better than these past couple of years. Stay Safe.
Date: Thursday 22nd of December 2022, 2:21:00, ADT
Name: Jim Crossley
Number: 655
Merry Christmas. I spent Christmas in Camp Borden 69 years ago. On December 21st, 1953 I was on a train from Vancouver to Borden. I was 17 years old at the time and was in the class of 34. I may be the lone survivor of that time as I have not seen any names pop up on this web site. Mel has a photo of me and also of me and another two on a motorcycle display for a photo op. Still doing well at the age of 89. Blessings to all.
Date: Wednesday 21st of December 2022, 11:18:15, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 654
Wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a Healthy New Years.
Date: Tuesday 20th of December 2022, 22:52:16, ADT
Name: E.A. Sam Noseworthy
Number: 653
Hello to all and to all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year. It's always good to see a few old familiar names, with life attached to them of course, still hanging around. I also get a bit emotional when I read or hear about the friends from the Corps who have passed on . These were good friends and good days for sure . I am living in Gananoque, Ontario and still enjoying excellent health for which I am truly thankful, and hopefully Saint Peter doesn't have me on his most wanted list yet. Take care all and best regards.
EA Sam N
Date: Saturday 17th of December 2022, 19:14:15, ADT
Name: Earl J Forestell
Number: 652
Wishing all members a Merry Christmas, a Joyous Holiday Season, and a New Year Filled with Peace and Happiness. Conversed with Greg Stevens who resides in New Brunswick and learned that he suffered from a stroke on 1 Nov 22. Greg was transported to a Hospital in St John and allowed to return home twenty-one days later. Greg is doing well. I recently spoke to Stan Draus who resides in Alberta and he is having his problems with severe arthritis. Both members are in great spirits.
Date: Monday 12th of December 2022, 19:33:49, ADT
Name: W.G. (Wally) Hansen
Number: 651
Another year has come around. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Our ranks are slowly shrinking.
Date: Thursday 17th of November 2022, 16:20:03, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 650
Thanks Ron for Dougs phone nuumber.. Yesterday it rained so I phoned Doug and we had a good chat. Like the rest of us OLDER gents his memory is not what it used to be. We knocked a few names around and the passing of JC Dionne. Hope to do the same in the new year(have a chat).74417
Date: Wednesday 16th of November 2022, 22:05:45, ADT
Name: M. R. (Mel) Pittman
Number: 649
Sadly; I was just advised by our Provost colleague, Wally Hansen, that former member of the Corps, retired MWO Johnny (J C ) DIONNE, had passed away in PEI a few days ago. As I am currently out of the Country for the next 3 weeks I do not have access to our Association Master E-Mail list to forward this information out to our membership at large. When I arrive back in Canada I'll forward the obituary out to our membership ASAP. In the meantime; I request that those who view this entry forward it to your former Corps and Military Police colleagues. May he rest in peace!
Date: Wednesday 16th of November 2022, 13:25:03, ADT
Name: Doug Mann
Number: 648
D0es nybody know anything abour\tDouglas K Mann from the second world war
Date: Tuesday 1st of November 2022, 17:54:59, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 647
Hi Ron thanks for the info Doug Seward we go back to the early Congo days please pass on to Doug my best wishes all the best in future should he ever visit Ottawa please give me a call Cheers
Date: Wednesday 19th of October 2022, 17:46:55, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 646
66 years ago today, I joined the Corps. After about a 3-day train ride, I arrived at an unmanned, tiny railway station in the middle of nowhere called Douglas. Then what seemed like forever, arrived at Shilo and became part of the great 50 Class.
Date: Sunday 16th of October 2022, 22:30:06, ADT
Name: Ronald Pelletier
Number: 645
Hi Folks,,,This past saturday(oct 15) I stopped in to see my friend Doug Seward,,Doug went through a rough patch lately and lost his loving wife,, but he is in good spirits and we exchanged a few war stories. Recommende by his children He has moved into a nice old folks home where he well taken care of. If some of you old buddies would like to call him and remminices,,here's his phone number,,581 748-6931,,,Take care Folks,,
Date: Wednesday 14th of September 2022, 18:25:43, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 644
Believe we had only one Capt Stoker C Pro C we served with 4 Pro Pl years 58/60 and again with 1Pro Pl Calgary it’s great to hear from you probably do not remember me when in Germany I borrowed your camping stove during a family camping trip Maj Breakey was the CO and Don Watts was Sgt Maj good memories Cheers
Date: Monday 12th of September 2022, 16:37:10, ADT
Name: Stoker William
Number: 643
That's me at #637 (soker) Now 96 and fit. Tony at 638 has good advice. Here's little insight: child migrant.age11, to Canada Sep 1937 have been Canadian for eighty-five years. Enjoyed my time as a Provost -45/46 -1950/73/ The 10 years as Chief, National Airports Security and Policing Program were enhanced by the many C Pro C colleagues who participated.
Date: Saturday 9th of July 2022, 13:15:53, ADT
Name: Mel Pittman
Number: 642
In response to the query by Brandon Neeve: Access to the service records of deceased former members of the Canadian Forces can be acquired through the National Archives of Canada for a nominal administrative fee.
Date: Friday 8th of July 2022, 1:17:05, ADT
Name: Brandon Neeve
Number: 641
Hello all. Does anybody know where I could go to find out more information on my great grandfather? He passed away in the year of 2000, and I was always aware of the fact that he served during WW2. Well, I found an old cut out obituary of his, and it says that he served in the Canadian Provost corps from 1939-1945. I did not realize this until just today, as I always assumed he was just a regular soldier.
Date: Thursday 7th of July 2022, 18:11:24, ADT
Name: Larry Wilkins
Number: 640
No. 86 class C Pro C school Camp Borden in the Year 1962. Served 6 years and took my discharge. Employed with many Law enforcement jurisdictions such as Saskatchewan Highway Traffic Officer, Manitoba Municipal Police, Deputy Sheriff and finally retired in 2006 having been employ for 26 years with Canada Revenue Agency Special Investigations. Life is good !!
Date: Friday 18th of March 2022, 18:54:35, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 639
Served in Germany with both Jimmy (Kidd) and Pete (Zwaagstra). Both good guys. I'm sorry to read of their passing. Pete and I took a dog I bought from the German Police to his Aunt and Uncles farm in Tjerkwerd several times to get him inoculated and Health papers from the local Veterinary and the County Veterinary to bring him back to Canada without quarantine. A couple bottles of CC did the trick.
Date: Monday 14th of February 2022, 4:55:33, ADT
Name: Tony Taraniuk
Number: 638
As a retired member of the CproC. this is my first submission on this site. I have monitored this site for several years. A lot of members are familiar to me. What I would like to see more members expressing their views on current affairs, their ideas and opinions. Can we not use this site as a CProC chat site. Mel who runs the site has the final word. Good to make an announcement who passed away but lets not make this only an obituary site. We are all retired, lots of time on hand lets express our thoughts on current issues and ideas. This site would be more active. It does not have to be a Facebook but a fellowship expession site.
Date: Monday 3rd of January 2022, 8:13:29, ADT
Name: Bill Stoker
Number: 637
Greetings this Jan3/22 Served C Pro C mid 45 through Apr73.Best remember the awe i had in 45/46 at the initiative i was allowed th exercise. That influenced my decision in 1950 to rejoin the Corps. Memories! LOL
Date: Saturday 1st of January 2022, 11:56:22, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 636
Happy New Year guys. It has to get better, doesn't it ??????
Date: Friday 31st of December 2021, 13:44:05, ADT
Name: Ronald Pelletier
Number: 635
A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to all Provost and your families in 2022 !a
Date: Monday 27th of December 2021, 23:56:22, ADT
Name: Walter Kolodziechuk
Number: 634
A belated Merry Christmas to all former C Pro C members and current Military Police. Wish you all good health. Stay Safe.
Date: Sunday 26th of December 2021, 0:47:46, ADT
Name: Jim Crossley
Number: 633
Merry Christmas to all. Class of 34 Camp Borden 1953. Now 85 still kicking. Germany 1955 to 1957. Stationed in Soest Germany. Last post in Chilliwack . I was a good friend of "Mr Provost", George Elliott, when we were kids in Vancouver as Army Cadets.
Date: Saturday 25th of December 2021, 23:55:58, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 632
Merry Christmas to all former Corps Members. Remember also our Members that are no longer with us. There are fewer and fewer of us all the time.
Date: Wednesday 22nd of December 2021, 19:00:50, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 631
Hi would like to wish every one a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year stay safe
Date: Wednesday 22nd of December 2021, 18:58:03, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 630
Hi would like to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year and stay safe
Date: Saturday 18th of December 2021, 20:36:15, ADT
Name: Earl J. Forestell
Number: 629
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all former members of the Canadian Provost Corps and current members of the Military Police.
Date: Saturday 18th of December 2021, 10:39:53, ADT
Name: W.G. (Wally) Hansen
Number: 628
To one and all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay safe and healthy.
Date: Sunday 12th of December 2021, 22:04:59, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 627
To all my old friends and comrades . Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. May you and your family enjoy the best of the New Year.
Date: Monday 29th of November 2021, 15:25:19, ADT
Name: Sandy Chalanchuk
Number: 626
I am the niece of Walter Melnychenko, with the Cdn Provost Corps, 1 Coy. He died 19 Sept 1945 Holland his jeep was struck by a truck. We have visited his grave at Grosesbeek CDN WAR Cemetary a couple of times. If any other information about his or his Company's activities is out there we would love to see it. Walter was from Shortdale, MB. and we are striving to ensure he is not forgotten.
Date: Monday 18th of October 2021, 10:57:58, ADT
Name: walter k
Number: 625
Hi Mel
It's been awhile since I visited the site to say hello. The reason being, about three years ago I crushed fractured my spine in the area of the 4th and 5th vertabrae and while they were treating mee for that they found I had a rare blood cancer and are now treating that. I don't see well any more because of the medications etc although strangely enough I have 20/20 vision. There is no cure for my cancer, so I just have to keep fighting it.I just wanted all my old friends and working buddies to know I haven't forgotten any of you. Because of my eyesight I am notnot proficient on the computer or phone any more as the meds make my eyes blurry. Anyway hi to all and have a good fall. Best Wishes to all.
Date: Monday 11th of October 2021, 15:24:10, ADT
Name: Major Steven Gasser, CD (Ret’d)
Number: 624
My grandfather LCpl Albert F Gasser served with the Cdn Provost Corps in Regina, SK from 1939 -1946. He is pictured in your #43 Cdn Provost Corps unit photo from WW II. Family stories tell of his duties as a guard on troop and POW trains moving between Halifax and Vancouver. I have several photos of him that I would like to submit to your website if you want them. Stay well.
Date: Friday 8th of October 2021, 23:14:29, ADT
Name: Ronald Pelletier
Number: 623
Larry Pace just informed me that Colin Dewar has passed away a few days ago. Colin and I did our basic class 98 back in 64,,we ended up at the Quebec Provost Det and then over to Valcartier Provost Det. So Sad to hear,,and my condolences to his family,,unfortunately don't have more info on his passing,
Date: Friday 1st of October 2021, 21:30:04, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 622
Just read in the Obit page that Joe Cripps passed away. Another of the good old C Pro C guys has left us.
Date: Wednesday 29th of September 2021, 14:59:47, ADT
Name: Roy Zurowski
Number: 621
Just a short message to let everyone know that I am still hanging in there, despite all the Covid-19 problems, and my physical condition. Have finally retired to Coaldale, AB after serving with the Corps. of Commissionaires for 10 years. It was nice to see all the postings from friends who served with me. Take care everyone and "Lead by Example".
Date: Wednesday 29th of September 2021, 14:41:08, ADT
Name: Pat Samson
Number: 620
What a wonderful site. Well done!
Date: Tuesday 6th of July 2021, 18:30:41, ADT
Name: Francis Robinson
Number: 619
Larry Pace. Lost your email address. Please get in touch Thank You
Date: Friday 4th of June 2021, 20:38:28, ADT
Name: M. R. (Mel) Pittman
Number: 618
Heh, it is great to hear from you Ron and we miss you in our local Provost Alumni group. We haven't met since early Fall of 2020 due to the Covid-19 restrictions and as far as I know, to date, we have all been able to avoid being infected by that dreaded disease and hopefully; it stays that way. Stay safe old friend and do keep in touch.
Date: Wednesday 2nd of June 2021, 18:34:57, ADT
Name: Ronald Griffis
Number: 617
It has been some time, but I thought I would search out the Association and Mel to see how things are going. My kindest regards to all. I, along with my wife Madeleine miss the meeting from time to time in Halifax. A great bunch of guys !
Ron Griffis, 3 Elwood Court, Cottam, Ontario. N0R 1B0 Tel:- 1-519-839-6362
Date: Friday 14th of May 2021, 20:55:56, ADT
Name: M. R. (Mel) Pittman
Number: 616
I am seeking the whereabouts of a Family member of former member of the Canadian Provost Corps, Danny O'Donnell, who died on duty in Moosejaw, MB while conducting a mobile escort of the Queen Mother in 1978. Please let me know through the "Contact" link on this site if you have any info where a Family member of Danny resides, A colleague has an important message for them.
Date: Friday 7th of May 2021, 18:20:45, ADT
Name: Brian Holmes
Number: 615
This is for Ben Villeneuve, who just posted a message a few days ago. Assuming you're the same Ben I worked with in Calgary, please get hold of me at as I'm trying to reach out to the old bunch from those days.
Date: Friday 7th of May 2021, 7:43:25, ADT
Name: Joe Cripps
Number: 614
Thank you all for the Birthday wishes March 12th. on my 90th. The family made it a very meaningful occasion, because of the Covid Virus no parties. I am hanging in there, for a 90 year old, mobility problems are a very concern. Still here in Fall River, N.S. after 41 years, we are seriously thinking of selling, we looked at a number of apartments, they put you on a list, with 100 other people. Oh! Well someday we maybe lucky.
Cheers: Joe Cripps.
Date: Thursday 6th of May 2021, 20:33:07, ADT
Name: Ben Villeneuve
Number: 613
Thanks Mel great site and shall attend it more often , keep it up. I have rich out to many of those I have served with and met on various course at the MP school . Hello to all.
Date: Thursday 6th of May 2021, 10:43:33, ADT
Name: Mel Pittman
Number: 612
In response to a request from a serving member of the CF Military Police in Shilo Det, who is conducting research into the C Pro C School in Shilo, I am seeking the building numbers of the facilities utilized by the school during it's time at former Camp Shilo. If you recall the buildings the C Pro C School used, e-mail me through the "Contact" link on this web site.
Date: Sunday 4th of April 2021, 13:50:09, ADT
Name: Earl J. Forestell
Number: 611
Happy Easter to all current and former members of the Military Police. Its a lovely Easter weekend here in North Bay. We are all making the best of what this year has to offer. Stay safe and healthy.
Date: Saturday 27th of February 2021, 12:40:17, ADT
Name: Brian Holmes
Number: 610
My name is Brian Holmes, and I served in the Provost Corps from 1968 to 1975, and left as a Cpl from 1 MP Pl in Calgary to join the Calgary Police. I was made aware of the site recently and noticed posts from a number of people I worked with back in the day, or at least crossed paths with. Hello to all, and I hope you are staying safe and well. I’m looking for an old friend, who was also a corporal in 1 MP Pl back in Calgary in 1975. I heard that he was posted down east somewhere, but I got lazy and lost track of him. His name is Gord PFLUG. He was born in Dinsmore Sask, and he was about the same age as me, so he is now somewhere around 70 (plus or minus a few years). If anyone can help, please contact me at or at 403-280-1966).
Date: Saturday 20th of February 2021, 14:08:53, ADT
Name: Frank Collins
Number: 609
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Mrs Carmen Bigras-Corbett, wife of John Corbett. Affectionately known as "She Who Must Be Obeyed". Carmen passed peacefully in hospital surrounded by Family. She had been battling Liver Cancer, and now she faces no more pain.John is doing OK. It is an emotional time. John has asked that we get the notice out to the military side of life. No Details have been decided. John is looking to have a Celebration of Life after the Covid virus is controlled.

A Wonderfull Lady has passed.
Date: Tuesday 19th of January 2021, 11:08:25, ADT
Name: Larry Pace
Number: 608
Unfortunately I have some sad news. I got a message this morning from Anna Watt, wife of MWO (Ret'd) John Watt and she said John Passed away on the afternoon of Jan 16th after spending 18 days in the Palliative Care unit in the St Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg. John had some health issues during the past recent years and now he is resting in Peace. He had just turned 90 last month. John joined the Provost Corps in 1949 or 50 and apart from a posting to the Black Watch in Aldershot NS, spent most of his time in the west. Some of his postings were in Churchill Manitoba, Thunder Bay, SIU Sections and in Egypt where he was by boss. His last posting was 1 MP Pl, Calgary where he retired in 1979 and moved back to Winnipeg.
Date: Saturday 16th of January 2021, 19:54:09, ADT
Name: Melinda Badour
Number: 607
My grandfather, William John Henry Badour was with C Pro C overseas in WWII. He was from Sharbot Lake, Ontario. Does anyone have information to share?
Date: Friday 1st of January 2021, 12:47:31, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 606
Happy New Year guys. Surely and hopefully it can't get any worse.
Date: Friday 1st of January 2021, 11:54:25, ADT
Name: Ronald Pelletier
Number: 605
A Happy and Healthy New Year 2021 to all Canadian Provost Corps members
Date: Monday 21st of December 2020, 14:15:31, ADT
Name: Frank Collins
Number: 604
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all former and serving members.
Date: Monday 21st of December 2020, 12:58:05, ADT
Name: W.G. (Wally Hansen)
Number: 603
Another year gone by. One for the history books. Merry Christmas to all and hopefully next year will be better.
Date: Monday 21st of December 2020, 11:49:02, ADT
Name: Andre George
Number: 602
To all who served during 1957 - 1965 in Qubec City - Valcartier Detachment - 1st Bn R22R and C Pro C School, "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year".
Date: Monday 21st of December 2020, 8:47:11, ADT
Name: Earl J. Forestell
Number: 601
Let's dance and sing and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year. Wishing all the former members of the Canadian Provost Corps and current Military Police all the best for the Holiday Season. Merry Christmas!
Date: Friday 18th of December 2020, 1:00:17, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 600
To all my old comrades and new brothers in arms, may you have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay strong and healthy.
Date: Tuesday 24th of November 2020, 4:22:36, ADT
Name: John Green
Number: 599
Hi all. My name is John Green. I served 23 years in the British Army for 1975 to 1999. 13 years in the Royal Artillery and 9 years in the Military Provost Staff Corps, serving at the Military Corrective Training Centre in Colchester, commonly known as the 'Glass House'. I have started collecting cap badges and recently was lucky enough to purchase your fine looking badge on ebay. I wish you all the very best in these difficult times and pray you all keep safe
Date: Thursday 12th of November 2020, 20:08:32, ADT
Name: Mel Pittman
Number: 598
The answer to your query is "No", #44 Provost Company did not go overseas. There is a list of all C Pro C Provost Companies that were dispatched overseas included in the Book "Watchdog" A History Of The Canadian Provost Corps by the late Colonel Andrew Ritchie. No. 44 Provost Company is not incluided among that list but is listed under the "Home War Establishment Provost Companies". By the way, the Offficer Commanding this Company during WWII was Maj RFC ALLEN.
Date: Thursday 12th of November 2020, 16:28:00, ADT
Name: Tim
Number: 597
Does anyone know if the 44 Povost Company out of Calgary that went through A32 in 1942 ever went overseas and if so where? Also any info on the 44th Provost out of Calgary Circa 1942-1946 would be amazing. finally did anyone ever hear of a L/Cpl Colin Pringle M-61940 ? thank you for your help.
Date: Saturday 24th of October 2020, 13:41:10, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 596
His brother Joe was a great guy too.
Date: Tuesday 13th of October 2020, 0:38:01, ADT
Name: Dave Mackesy
Number: 595
Thanks Larry for posting the notice of Leo's passing. He was a tall and imposing individual with a "larger than life" personality that infected all those around him. He made my service with 1 MP Pl one of the most pleasant and memorable of all my postings.
Date: Sunday 11th of October 2020, 22:50:59, ADT
Name: James Rogers
Number: 594
OOP's Computer spells wrong. I meant to say Happy Thanksgiving
Date: Saturday 10th of October 2020, 14:15:34, ADT
Name: Frank Collins
Number: 593
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Date: Wednesday 23rd of September 2020, 13:53:24, ADT
Name: Larry Pace
Number: 592
More sad news. I just got a call from Carole Bernard, wife of Leo Bernard, informing me that Leo passed away peacefully this morning. He had just turned 88 years old. Leo was one of the greatest men I have ever known and I had the pleasure of working for him for three years in Valcartier and four years in Calgary and we became lifelong friends. He will be missed by many. He was a member of the Canadian Provost Corps and Military Police since 1952 til he retired as the SIU CWO. For the past few years he and Carole had been living with his daughter in Medicine Hat Alberta. Rest in Peace my friend til we meet again
Date: Tuesday 11th of August 2020, 23:54:14, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 591
Does anyone know the address of big DOUG Hunter?
Date: Sunday 26th of July 2020, 12:43:45, ADT
Name: walter (rocky) Lane
Number: 590
Hi Larry.. Thank you for responding to my little look at the past. Like you, I did't like the Blue jobs ideas of doing things. or did I appreciate being always under the commad of an Air Force Officer, but we did as we always did. Show "Discipline By Example" and went on with our jobs. I remember you at 2 Pro Pl as well but I think you were in another section or that I wasn't there that long before going to the Base Detachment. Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying life in your retirement.
Date: Thursday 23rd of July 2020, 21:57:37, ADT
Name: Larry Pace
Number: 589
I remember you in Petawawa when I was posted to 2 Pro Pl in 1965. I felt the same as you did in 68. I felt proud in my battledress, boots and puttees and white webbing. Not the same in green and the saddest part was adopting the air force way of doing things
Date: Thursday 23rd of July 2020, 9:01:47, ADT
Name: Walt (Rocky) Lane
Number: 588
Hi Mel and all the other lads out there who might remember me. Just dropped in to say hello to all and to see if my picture was still in it's place of honour on the Profile page. Which it is :). Love being able to open the page and see myself as a much younger man, full of pride of being a member of the Canadian Provost Corps , now growing old but still living with great memories of my time spent with the Corps and how sad I was in 1968 when the Corps was done away with and replaced with the Military Police. I wonder how many members felt like me at the time ? No matter, it;s been done and like all good soldiers, we soldiered on under the Military Police banner until retirement. But they can't take our memories away from and I have nothing but good memories of the Provost Corps and the different places I served as a proud Provost. Cheers to all of you I met and worked with during this period of my life. I may forget you for a litttle while, but throughout time, a word or phrase crops up that brings back memories of each one of you, even though I may at times have to think a bit harder to recall where and when we met. Have a great rest of the summer and Mel , take care and keep up the great job you are doing with this site.
Date: Friday 17th of July 2020, 20:41:22, ADT
Name: Cora Saunders
Number: 587
Hello: Just wanted to say hello and to say my son’s father George Saunders was an MP. I’m sure a lot about f you may know him. He passed away suddenly in Oct 99. My son was 11 at the time. My son’s name is Jonathan!
Date: Thursday 25th of June 2020, 8:28:25, ADT
Name: Larry Pace
Number: 586
Hi Ron. Leo Bernard is doing fine. He and Carole live in Medicine Hat with their daughter JoAnne McTaggart. He has had some health issues over the years, several strokes but is OK. He would be 88 or 89 now so it's nice to still have him with us. JoAnne is on FB and is a member of the Thunderbird Club so any messages to Leo can be relayed thru her.
Date: Saturday 20th of June 2020, 11:54:26, ADT
Name: W.J. (Wally) Kolodziechuk
Number: 585
Had a great telephone conversation with my Old Buddy Sam Moses. We served togeather at Hemer Detachment. Sgt Pete Alexander Sam and I worked many shifts togeather. Those were the days. As someone previously self acknowledged, any success that I attained following my service with the CProCwas because of the excellent training and service with the best. The Old Motto, Discipline By Example.
Date: Friday 19th of June 2020, 21:04:50, ADT
Name: Tony Hiatt
Number: 584
I'm a currently serving member of the Canadian Forces Military Police, posted to 2 MP Field Platoon in Petawawa. I'm looking for some of the ex C Pro C members to share some of the Units traditions. I'm hoping to bring some of them back to the Platoon.
Date: Friday 19th of June 2020, 18:58:26, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 583
I am trying to locate Doug Wainwright., we served together in 1965 in Calgary. He was best man at my wedding in Calgary in 1965. Thanks and hello to all the old timers.
Date: Sunday 31st of May 2020, 16:18:29, ADT
Name: John Heymans
Number: 582
Just browsing. I'm son of a post WWII C Pro C member, Art Heymans. He retired in 1964 after being RSM of #12 SDB, Borden, and opened the new #14 SDB in Valcartier in 1957. Loking through the photos I remember a few of the older members, Mays, Hewitt, Christie and a few others. a fun trip.
Date: Wednesday 27th of May 2020, 20:19:47, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 581
Hi James Kidd. Nice see you are still kicking during these crazy times all is well here with Bev and I good memories Germany and Petawawa. Stay safe
Date: Tuesday 26th of May 2020, 16:23:40, ADT
Name: Ronald Pelletier
Number: 580
Hi Folks,,haven't been on the group for a while,,but was wondering if anyone had any info on Leo Bernard,,,and if so,,please pass on my best regards,,
Date: Thursday 21st of May 2020, 17:22:24, ADT
Name: Ex LCpl Peter Palmer
Number: 579
Hi All, seen a few old members of the Provost Corps from my Petawawa days, Miles McCarthy, Sam Noseworthy if you would like to get a hold of me I am in Edmonton now since my retirement in 1997. My ph # id 780-473-4020, email is would love to chat sometime. Cheers
Date: Wednesday 20th of May 2020, 23:58:41, ADT
Name: Anon
Number: 578
Racking my brain on Danny. It was '79 or 80, the Queen's AC was parked on the apron south of Hangar 3. Capt Lloyd Saunders was the BSecurO - I think he lives in Alberta - I've see his name on here.
Date: Thursday 7th of May 2020, 10:40:07, ADT
Name: Robert Smith
Number: 577
Hi: Does anyone have any details of the on duty death of MWO Danny ODonnell at CFB Moose Jaw? Apparently he died of a heart attack while escorting the Queen. Any media reports? Eyewitnesses? Regards,
RJ (Bob) Smith.
Date: Monday 4th of May 2020, 17:46:01, ADT
Name: James William Kidd
Number: 576
Hi. I do not know how many new Dave Johnson , he was airforce Police and we served in Val D.ior , I do not enter much but Dave attended many C Proc attendances. He was a great person and one of my best friends,/ I see nothing on our death notices and |I would like to see him remembered. He was a great person who fought cancer for many a year. We are dwindeling and I guess I am one of the next (Many |Years) . Sorry, I normally do no send but read all. I will go to the next Police gathering, Health permitting with my dear wife Heather. I read all the responses when I can. I was around in Germany 2 years and Cyprus 1 year and then they Canada 67, where |I met my wife in Montreal Eventually I was sent to Val D,ior where I retired. I was to go to Val Cartier on a Promotional posting but I was fed up. I retired to a fabulous career and life. Hass anyone heard of Larry Kea, In the Corps during 1959-1962, Germany
Jim (Daffy Duck)
Date: Wednesday 29th of April 2020, 1:53:13, ADT
Name: Miles McCarthy
Number: 575
Hi from a ex 2 Provost Pl. 65-69
Date: Thursday 23rd of April 2020, 10:43:17, ADT
Name: Earl J. Forestell
Number: 574
Hello Mel! Earl and I were thinking of you during this very sad time in Nova Scotia. We hope the good Lord doesn't judge us as harshly as some Canadians will judge the RCMP for their performance during the first hours of their investigation. Wishing all the best to you and your family. Stay safe and healthy. Regards,
Earl and Cathy Forestell
Date: Tuesday 21st of April 2020, 23:22:14, ADT
Name: Walt (Rocky) Lane
Number: 573 Sam, I think we served together at Halifax derachment or ADSIU in Halifax. Unless you were in Petawawa betweenn 1965/69 where I was with 2 Pro platoon and Petawawa detachment. Best wishes to you my collegue. Rocky
Date: Monday 20th of April 2020, 15:36:19, ADT
Name: Marc-Andre (Andy) Rousseau
Number: 572
I just want to say hello to EA Sam Noseworthy, I met him while I was serving with 2 Provost Platoon in Petawawa around 1962-63 and with the Pembroke P.D. I then joined the O.P.P.. The names of Ernie Robichaud, Sam Moses, Bob Thomas are also familiar. Take care and stay safe at home.
Date: Saturday 18th of April 2020, 15:28:03, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 571
Hi Sam just a hello your last comments about Rocky Lane it was during our time in Petawawa i believe he was with 2 Pro Pl when They moved from Borden to Petawawa In the early 60s if my memory is right Stay safe and say hi to the wife all is well here
Date: Friday 17th of April 2020, 15:38:20, ADT
Name: Sam Moses (I THINK)
Number: 570
I have never set around and done nothing for so long. Played a zillion games of hearts ,had many naps. Mel, can"t you pull your rank and have a old fashion "BUG OUT". Even though I enjoy seeing names pop up now and again it would be great to see a few more. Nice to see Rocky on line, we served together somewhere (old age) showing up again. Anyway all keep safe and hope to see everyone at our next Muster.
Date: Saturday 11th of April 2020, 15:24:50, ADT
Name: Mel Pittman
Number: 569
In response to the entry made by one of my former supervisors, Walt (Rocky) Lane, one whom I very well remember as he guided, (then a young Lance Cpl (Up) on a successful career path) and I'm sure there were times when he doubted that we could make the grade. Well some of us did " Wally" and it would not have been possible without people of your quality guiding us early in our respective careers. I always said my success was attributable to being trained by the very best that the Canadian Provost Corps had. For that I thank you! Hope to see you at a future "Muster" when things return to normal again.Take care old friend.
Date: Saturday 11th of April 2020, 12:02:55, ADT
Name: Walt (Rocky) Lane
Number: 568
Abig hello to Mel who I know remembers me and the same to all of the old guard who might have a faint memory of me. Hi Mel, glad to see you are still capable of keeping this site going. All I can say is "GOD Bless You" for giving us a place to refresh our memories of the members we served with. Most of my old cronies are gone now but there are a few out there including yourself. It was a real pleasure serving with all of you and the memories are still fresh in this old mind. But at least they are there :) I hope you follow your advice to us to take care with this ugly virus that is on the go and look after yourself too. Lots of love and good wishes to all of you.
Date: Saturday 21st of March 2020, 15:29:26, ADT
Name: Mel Pittman
Number: 567
I do hope that all of you former members of the Canadian Provost Corps are practising "safe Distance" and "self-isolation" during this period of crisis with Covid-19. Not many of us are left, so, be careful and take care of yourselves.
Date: Tuesday 17th of March 2020, 11:45:15, ADT
Name: W.J. (Wally) Kolodziechuk
Number: 566
Good Morning to allyou Former Provost and current MPs. Stay safe and stay strong. May the Good Lord taking a liking to you.
Date: Sunday 23rd of February 2020, 0:33:29, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 565
I'm told that they have good baseball games played there Jim if you're into watching baseball.
Date: Friday 21st of February 2020, 18:17:02, ADT
Name: James William Kidd
Number: 564
Heading to Dominican Republic for a week next Friday. Heather and I and our son and daughter in law Marrienne plus three young grandkids. Its a waterpark so should be fun.
Date: Thursday 30th of January 2020, 17:07:57, ADT
Name: James William Kidd
Number: 563
Hello to all who still remember me. Was sick for some months and in Hosp but now recuperating. Am happily retired, but still can hold a beer. Lots of grandchildren to keep me young.
Date: Tuesday 21st of January 2020, 19:37:49, ADT
Name: James Rogers
Number: 562
I just want to say a big THANK YOU to the webmaster of this great site. I only served with the C Pro C for three proud years I cherish the friendships I made during this time. I enjoy checking the site and seeing familiar names. Lets keep it going .
Date: Wednesday 25th of December 2019, 16:23:33, ADT
Name: James Rogers
Number: 561
Merry Christmas to all.
Date: Wednesday 25th of December 2019, 14:57:59, ADT
Name: Frank Collins
Number: 560
Merry Christmas to all.
Date: Wednesday 25th of December 2019, 10:19:19, ADT
Name: Fred Campbell
Number: 559
Merry Christmas to all Corps Members still here and lets never forget those that are not.
Date: Tuesday 24th of December 2019, 10:35:29, ADT
Name: Earl J. Forestell
Number: 558
To All old friends and current members, a very Merry Christmas. May the years ahead be Happy and Healthy ones for all of you. Happy New Year 2020 with Peace and Love to everyone!
Date: Monday 23rd of December 2019, 17:48:26, ADT
Name: EA Sam Noseworthy
Number: 557
Merry Christmas to all and the wish that health and happiness follows you all through out the new year. Dave Gibson it was certainly wonderfull to see you again, after a long drought . (GW Elliotts memorial) and Ernie Robichaud , always a pleasure to be in your company. Ernie I fondly remember those early morning breakfasts we had together with the log drivers on the Petawawa River. Isn't life great! Regards to all who served and be good to yourselves.
Sam N
Date: Monday 23rd of December 2019, 17:23:35, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 556
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, To all of my old friends and current members. May your life be filled with joy and happiness.a3F27
Date: Monday 23rd of December 2019, 1:18:30, ADT
Name: Wally Hansen
Number: 555
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. May 2020. be the best ever.
Date: Tuesday 17th of December 2019, 19:44:56, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 554
TIS the time to wish one and all a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
Date: Tuesday 17th of December 2019, 13:38:21, ADT
Name: David Gibson
Number: 553
Wishing All a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, prosperous New Year!........... Stay outta Gaol (or Jail for those South of the Border)
Date: Thursday 5th of December 2019, 18:33:33, ADT
Name: Drew Arnold
Number: 552
On behalf of my late Father Sgt Grant Arnold (1924-1972) who served in Provost Corps in World War II (Normandy campaign) and Korea, also served in Germany during occupation. Wounded in Normandy.
Date: Monday 18th of November 2019, 17:18:27, ADT
Name: David P. Wieler
Number: 551
Just a note to say that Brian Jordan has passed on October 23, 2019.
Date: Monday 28th of October 2019, 12:57:45, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 550
Just a note to let anyone who may have known Clyde Nickerson ,Military Police , of his passing, 28 Oct 19, age Barrington NS.
Date: Tuesday 10th of September 2019, 22:58:40, ADT
Name: Larry Pace
Number: 549
Robert Ernest Long January 21, 1933 - September 5, 2019 Bob came from the east where the sun rises. In Toronto, the day before he boarded the train to Calgary, he had been told by the military brass that he would be sent to Halifax. Thus started his military career. He married Shirley Sandulak in Drumheller, and he always pretended that, since that day, he had come to Drumheller once a year on their anniversary, to throw a stone at the church. The honeymoon was barely over, when he was sent to Korea as a member of the Canadian Military Provost Corps. He used to say, "When I left Vancouver in 1953, it was overcast and rainy. When I came back three years later, it was still overcast and rainy. Not a place to my liking". On his way back from Korea, the military ship was called into Japan for awhile, and fifty years after, Bob was still able to start a conversation with Japanese girls by asking them in their own language "Where are the toilets please?". And then Susie was born in Calgary, and so was Debra. At this point the military decided Bob had done his share of populating Alberta, and sent him to Dawson Creek, BC. Bob found it much to quiet here, and Roberta was born at a clinic in nearby Pouce Coupe. From Dawson Creek, Bob was patrolling the Alaska highway, keeping an eye on American military convoys heading to the 49th United State. Then the family went back to Ontario, to Camp Borden, where Bob was an instructor for the young Provost Corps recruits, giving them, like he used to put it "Super High Intensity Training". Then little Shirley was born in Barrie, and the family moved to Hemer, Germany. When he had a break from chasing the wrongdoers, Bob would take his family all around Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. He loved to explore, and take pictures. Many times, forgetting about his family screaming at him from the inside of the little Volkswagon, he was taking his time, just to get the perfect shot. He liked to say, "My dad was Russian, my mom was Russian, but I jus
Date: Thursday 22nd of August 2019, 14:01:45, ADT
Name: Colin Davey
Number: 548
I have many photographs of CProC soldiers in Korea (25 Bde) and would be pleased to email any to those who served there from 1952-53.
Date: Tuesday 9th of July 2019, 9:19:04, ADT
Name: Earl J. Forestell
Number: 547
Life brings tears, smiles, and memories. The tears dry, the smile fades, but the memories live on forever. With heartfelt sympathy. It was an honour and priviledge to serve in the Canadian Provost Corps with this outstanding leader and gentleman, CWO George W. Elliott, MMM, CD2.
Date: Monday 8th of July 2019, 15:17:24, ADT
Name: Roy Zurowski
Number: 546
Sorry to hear of the passing of George Elliott. We worked together in Camp Petawawa where George was the Provost Sgt. with the Canadian Guards Reg. while I was with the Petawawa Detachment. He will be sadly missed and long remembered!
Date: Sunday 7th of July 2019, 10:59:45, ADT
Name: Frank Collins
Number: 545
SAD NEWS: RIP GEORGE ELLIOTT (From Doug Southen) CWO (retired) George Wilson Elliott, MMM, CD2, passed away this morning at 0400, surrounded by the love of family. Funeral arrangements will follow. I had seen George a week ago and he was not too chipper, but not as poor as he has been some of the times over the five months he was in hospitals. But he developed a serious infection, was re-admitted to KGH for treatment, and medical staff were unable to control the infection.
Date: Monday 1st of July 2019, 9:57:00, ADT
Name: Dave Small
Number: 544
Hi Ernie I see you live in the Ottawa area, so do I, Drop me a line as. It is a long time since Petawawa. Glad to see you are still kicking..
Date: Wednesday 8th of May 2019, 15:35:22, ADT
Name: Robert E Long
Number: 543
On the AM of Wed May 8/19 t/m rec'd from Joan E Robertson of Chicago Il that HDR (Harold Duncan) Robertson had passed away overnight in Calgary AB. More details will be forwarded when and if received. Cheers.
Date: Friday 19th of April 2019, 7:57:10, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 542
Just a note to inform those who knew Ernest Pierce MP, passed away Apr 17 in Lockport NS.I served with Ernest in Shearwater..The numbers are getting smaller as the 80"s catch up on us.
Date: Saturday 30th of March 2019, 11:34:46, ADT
Name: Jim Mitchell
Number: 541
Purchased a Queen's hatbadge from a dealer in Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia so thank you for your help.
Date: Monday 25th of March 2019, 15:21:28, ADT
Name: Jim Mitchell
Number: 540
Sam Moses: I remember with a big grin on my face a DOB Entry you once made at Petawawa when someone asked you on the phone if you could send a patrol to check on some smoke coming out of a manhole. You wrote something to the effect that "MPs find themselves in enough holes in their careers let alone manholes. Request denied"
Date: Monday 25th of March 2019, 15:12:59, ADT
Name: Jim Mitchell
Number: 539
I am attempting to find a Queen's hat badge of the Corps for a shadow box I'm putting together. I was a member of 5 Provost Company (Militia) in Halifax in the early 60s and later wore the cap badge of the Provost Corps with 2 MP Pl in Petawawa and CFE Europe Baden Det. When we rebadged to the Thunderbird I traded my Provost cap badge for a French Gendarme's pill box cap which I later donated to the Canadian Police College. I have been unable to find a badge on the web and was wondering if any of the members would have such a badge for sale.
Date: Tuesday 19th of March 2019, 12:11:46, ADT
Name: Anthony J Meaning
Number: 538
D Day 75th Anniversary JUNO BEACH ---- a request from Yarmouth Isle of Wight ------ we hope to put together a display for our junior school depicting the part the Canadians played in D Day, especially those that were stationed/billeted on the Island before heading off to Europe. My Father in Law was billeted in Yarmouth-------served with Provost 1st Coy. If thee are any out there that can give advice or maybe a memory we Thank you.
Date: Tuesday 19th of March 2019, 12:05:24, ADT
Name: Anthony J Meaning
Number: 537
FAO MEL PITMAN ----- D Day 75th Anniversary JUNO BEACH Hi Mel, not sure if you recall us (Tony and Joanne) we contacted you some years back re Jo's Dad, JOHN PESTON, To make our local school kiddies here in Yarmouth aware of the Canadian involvement in D Day we are trying to compile a display of those that were stationed/billeted here prior to D Day, would you have any links that may provide us of Canadian involvement especially anything appertaining to the Isle of Wight. Hoping that you and yours are keeping in good health Thank you.
Tony and Joanne Meaning
Date: Monday 11th of March 2019, 13:32:21, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 536
I read in sorrow this morning of the passing of Don Holmesdale on 7th Mar. Much to soon and much to young.. I served with Don in Halifax and stayed in touch with he and Lynda over the years.
Date: Thursday 14th of February 2019, 23:18:08, ADT
Name: W.J. (Wally) Kolodziechuk
Number: 535
Good Day Eernie, Still a few of us around on the right side of the sod. Just like Sam says, "Lead with the left foot. " Have a goood day and many more.
Date: Monday 11th of February 2019, 14:52:34, ADT
Name: Mel Pittman
Number: 534
Just heard from Ernie Robichaud of Ottawa area enquiring as to why he doesn't hear from any "old" Provost anymore. Well, yes Ernie; there is no doubt about it, we certainly are all getting older but there seems to be little NEWS come my way to disseminate, other then notifications of passing or hospitalization, or in some cases, both. Any old friends of Ernie can contact him through me or this guestbook.
Date: Wednesday 2nd of January 2019, 13:51:59, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 533
I smiled at Jim"s lead with right foot remark. I did many years ago only I was the right marker on the 2 guards Btn parade. Anyone know RSM LEE (need I say more) I never lead with the rightfoot anymore. Hoping all have a very happy New |Year.and keep your right foot to the rear
Date: Monday 31st of December 2018, 18:58:56, ADT
Name: Jim Rogers
Number: 532
I wish you all a healthy, prosperous and Happy New Year. Remember to lift your right foot just before the clock strike midnight then step forward into the New Year THUMBS UP to the web master of this site. Thank you. Provost Corps 1960 to 1963
Date: Tuesday 25th of December 2018, 18:21:45, ADT
Name: Earl J. Forestell
Number: 531
To All Members of the Military Police - Past and Present Merry Christmas and All the Best for a Healthy and Happy New Year 2019. I have recently talked by telephone with Greg Stevens, in New Brunswick and Stan Draus in Alberta. We served together in Fort Churchill Manitoba. Great memories!
Date: Tuesday 25th of December 2018, 15:51:27, ADT
Name: D.L.E. (Dave) Gibson
Number: 530
A very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year to all old Provost and families, May God Bless. To all new MP's in the "Branch" who visit this site, you are carrying on a great tradition, the joy of the season to you and yours and may Peace be with you! Lived and loved the "Old Days" and all I served with.
Date: Tuesday 25th of December 2018, 14:41:40, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 529
To all my old comrades and new members, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May we enjoy happy days ahead, and may God protect those members serving their country in dangerous locations.
Date: Tuesday 25th of December 2018, 0:51:13, ADT
Name: Terry Roberts
Number: 528
Wishing all those Provost and their families, a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2019.
Date: Monday 24th of December 2018, 13:18:38, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 527
Wishing everyone a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. Life is good. Bev and Ernie.
Date: Sunday 23rd of December 2018, 9:51:24, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 526
Wishing all a very Merry Xmas and all the best in the New Year.
Date: Saturday 22nd of December 2018, 19:50:04, ADT
Name: EA Sam Noseworthy
Number: 525
Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019 to all. So great to see all the old familiar names (Comrades) that I once so proudly served with. (Petawawa Det 64 to 69, Cyprus, Cdn High Commission,, April to October 67) I am now residing in Gananoque, On and health wise am living the dream...... no issues, for which I am truly thankful. Anyway regards to all. Sam N (Newf)
Date: Saturday 22nd of December 2018, 14:46:30, ADT
Name: André George
Number: 524
Merry Christmas ans a Happy New Year to all former and current M"P" Joyeux Noel et Bonne et Heureuse Année a tous
Date: Thursday 20th of December 2018, 16:39:32, ADT
Name: W.J. (Wally) Kolodziechuk
Number: 523
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all former and current Military Police. Lets keep our thoughts and Prayers to the Good Lord to keep safe our serving members who are serving us in dangerous places in the world .
Date: Sunday 9th of December 2018, 14:04:12, ADT
Name: Frank Collins
Number: 522
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all MP, whether at home or deployed . Be Safe!
Date: Friday 28th of September 2018, 23:46:53, ADT
Name: Larry Pace
Number: 521
Hi Sam. Long time since I saw you. Saw you in Chebogue back in the 80's but I think you came into SIU Hfx when I was there in the 90's. All is good with me. Moved over to Stephenville Nfld 6 years ago. Never was in Nfld before. Very nice place.
Date: Wednesday 26th of September 2018, 14:21:50, ADT
Name: Ernest Robichaud
Number: 520
Hi Sam nice to see your still kicking I have not been on this net very often Bev and I are still kicking not as high we are presently sitting in hotel in Vermont we drove for get away for two today's this morning did a bit of shopping and we are expecting strong winds And thunderbut all is well keep taking pills and keeps the doc happy but life is good take care say hi to Karen
Date: Tuesday 11th of September 2018, 11:00:43, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 519
opps! Maybe I"m on the wrong site but I"ve not seen any News in three months. I feel like I"m the only one left.Its a long way from everyone down here in Chebogue. OK make my day and someone say something.
Date: Wednesday 20th of June 2018, 10:44:52, ADT
Name: Frank Collins
Number: 518
Mr Clements: Cda 411 shows the following info: A Cannons - 16 Gold Cres, Russell ON, K4R1B4, (613) 445-5389. This is probably good, as I know he was living in Russell when I left Ottawa in 2007. Hope this helps
Date: Monday 11th of June 2018, 17:03:00, ADT
Name: André George
Number: 517
Yes Doug well received your money order and ara you happy with the marchandise it is very rare these day. André
Date: Friday 8th of June 2018, 18:14:29, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 516
Dough Clements refer s Tony Cannons last heard he resides in the Ottawa area address or phone unknown wish I had more info for you
Date: Monday 4th of June 2018, 17:27:30, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 515
Does anyone know the whereabouts of Maj Tony Cannons?
Date: Friday 1st of June 2018, 9:11:04, ADT
Name: Ernie Robichaud
Number: 514
Hi Margaret please say Hi to your uncle Charles Douglas served with him several places over the years last time was in Cyprus 1968 we had a long chat over the telephone in around 2011. He was well like by everyone. Ernie Robichaud a Good New Brunswicker.
Date: Thursday 31st of May 2018, 21:32:49, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 513
Andre George thanks for the belt buckle received . The remainder of the deal was mailed to you yesterday.
Thanks Doug C
Date: Tuesday 29th of May 2018, 21:57:16, ADT
Name: André George
Number: 512
Hoping that Doug Clements got his C.Pro.C buckel in good order I still waiting for the rest off the deal. André
Date: Sunday 27th of May 2018, 9:57:26, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 511
Margaret! If this is Chief Charles is there anyone out here in the C ProC that don"t remember him. I served under him and around him many times in my 27 yrs in the C Pro C. I would love to have a phone number for this occasion. My phone number (902)742 5649
Date: Saturday 26th of May 2018, 16:07:43, ADT
Name: Margaret Henderson
Number: 510
Hi all: My uncle is Charles Douglas, who lives here in Calgary. I'm sorry I don't remember his rank title, but he was in charge at Camp Borden in the 70's. I remember visiting him there in 1976 on a across Canada trip to the east coast.Is there anyone out there that remembers him? I would love to pass on some messages or phone #'s. He's coming up to his 93rd birthday in June. He always has great stories to convey and his wife, Ella, will be turning 100 yrs old on July 1st. I just like spreading a few good things in their lives as they are like my 2nd set of parents. They would be thrilled to hear from any of you. Thanks very much.
Date: Thursday 24th of May 2018, 21:59:55, ADT
Name: Hugh Andrew
Number: 509
Ĺiving nine years in this Andes Mountains capital in Spanish . l usually only see death announcements by e-mail . Glad to see so many of you are still with us. Best wishes to all.
Date: Thursday 17th of May 2018, 1:27:00, ADT
Name: Jim Crossley
Number: 508
Hello to all. Joined the Provost Corps in 1953. I was the youngest recruit in the Corps at the age of 17. Trained in Camp Borden, and was in the Class of 34. I was too young to go into action at that time so was sent to Germany at the age of 18. Spent two plus years there and had a great time. Posted to Soest and Hemer, Finally to Chilliwack BC. Received my Group 1, 2, 3, Service Police Trades as a Lance Corporal. Beat out all of those big fat sergeants who said I could not do it. I guess they where not aware that I was on the Canadian Provost Judo Team. I am 81 years old now. Am a animal lover and believe that a " A Provost Must Have A Horse". Hi To All.
Date: Saturday 5th of May 2018, 0:49:15, ADT
Name: Jerry Haesch
Number: 507
CONABREE, Frank: It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing on April 2, 2018 of our beloved father, Frank Conabree, a man with a kind, generous and joyous heart. Frank traveled the world in several careers as a Peacekeeper with the UN, Military Police with the Provost Corps, Head of Security Quebec Federal Penitentiaries, and ran his own Vehicle Import/Export Business before retiring at age 75
Date: Thursday 19th of April 2018, 17:04:38, ADT
Name: Frank Collins
Number: 506
Obituary for Mr. Thomas "Ed" Edward Tribe Ed Tribe of Nanton, AB passed away peacefully with his family by his side at the age of 81 at the High River Hospital on April 12, 2018. Ed was born in Emo, Ontario where he spent his first 18 years. He joined the Canadian Forces in 1958. He spent the next 28 years in the Provost Corp (Military Police) and served on several Canadian Forces Bases throughout his career namely, Canadian High Commission, Cyprus; Canadian Airborne Regiment; Rivers, MB; Soest ,Germany; Edmonton; Calgary; Penhold; and Baden-Soellingen, Germany.In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the High River and District Health Care Foundation, 560 - 9th Avenue SW, High River, AB T1V 1B3.Caring for the family is Lyle Reeves Funerals of High River (Craig Snodgrass) 403.652.4242.
Date: Thursday 5th of April 2018, 21:34:54, ADT
Name: Ronald Pelletier
Number: 505
Got a message from Dick White on April 3, 2018 that our colleague Frank Connabree passed away from a long cancer illness,,in 1965-67 I worked with Frank at the Québec Provost Detachment and at the Valcartier Provost Detachment,,,My condolences to the Conabree family,,
Date: Thursday 5th of April 2018, 10:27:10, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 504
Just reading the obituaries and a Kenneth(Ken) STONE age 92 Riverview NB WW2 ,served as a Provo Officer in Canada with the Royal Canada Army. A bit before my time. Maybe someone out their would remember him.
Date: Friday 30th of March 2018, 19:49:41, ADT
Name: Jim Rogers
Number: 503
Date: Tuesday 6th of March 2018, 2:26:02, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 502
Does anyone know where I can obtain a Canadian Provost Corps belt buckle? If you do please send me an e mail. At -Thanks.
Date: Monday 5th of March 2018, 6:52:01, ADT
Name: Russ Trudeau
Number: 501
In the Memory Lane section, there is a picture titled "Shilo Provost Det - 1969". The unidentified officer is Peter Wilson.
Date: Sunday 25th of February 2018, 12:38:52, ADT
Name: W.J. (Wally) Kolodziechuk
Number: 500
Saw a message on FB from Jim Fairall that Bob Fairall has passed on to his reward. Those of us who knew Bob will be saddened and wish his family comfort.
Date: Tuesday 20th of February 2018, 17:15:55, ADT
Name: Earl J. F
Number: 499 To Sergeant Derk (Dick) Wevers Family. Please accept this note with my sincere condolences regarding the passing of your beloved Derk. We have two ways of remembering people who leave us and start another journey. We either cry over their absence, or smile and remember them through the countless memories that have stayed back. I'm sure Derk wants you to smile forever. Stay strong. Always remembered with friendship and admiration.
Sincerely: Earl J. Forestell
Date: Sunday 18th of February 2018, 3:29:31, ADT
Name: Doug Clements
Number: 498
Sam MOSES indicated that Dick Wevers had passed away. Does anyone have further information. E- mail me,at Thanks
Date: Saturday 17th of February 2018, 16:14:24, ADT
Name: Sam Moses
Number: 497
So sorry to see the passing of Dick Wevers. Served with Dick in Germany 66-69. We had a very good basketball team. Took the BAOR two years in a row. Seems just like yesterday that I saw that boy grin.
Date: Saturday 17th of February 2018, 15:13:25, ADT
Name: Daryl Mallett
Number: 496
Wondering if anyone remembers Dave Mallett. He retired in 1976.
Date: Wednesday 24th of January 2018, 22:01:59, ADT
Name: W.J. (Wally) Kolodziechuk
Number: 495
Hey Jim, Happy New year to all our colleagues. Sad but many have gone on to their reward. Nice to hear from you.
Date: Sunday 21st of January 2018, 23:23:24, ADT
Name: Jim Rogers
Number: 494
Doesn't anyone use this great site anymore. I miss seeing names from friends of the past. Anyways Happy New Year all

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