The photo of Service Police Recruit Class Of 1961 was held at the Canadian Provost Corps
School at Camp Borden, ON, graduating 02 June1961.
Front row (L - R) - Sgt George Powell (Retired (CWO), Lt. Ray Chambers, Capt Bill Stoker, Lt Col Anthony (Tony) Scotti, Provost Marshal Army, Unidentified, MWO Bill Terry, Ssgt Ben Hewitt and Cpl Gerry Upshall.
2nd row (L - R) - Privates Doug Bishop, Gilles Lecouteur, Robert (Bob) Thomas and Tom Midgley
3rd row (L - R) - Privates Jim Lemieux, Bob Hawboldt, Virgil (Nick) Nixon, Frank Wells, Rex Jenkins, (?) McDonald, Bruce Dunne and Bob Haywood.
Rear row (L - R) - Privates Bob Greene, Tim Daigle, Wayne Ward, Bill Mills, Jim McKay, Ron Barrett, Pat Barrett, Burns (BC) Smith.