Quebec Provost Det - 1965
Group photo of members of Quebec Provost Det - 1965. Shown in the adjacent photo (from left to right) are members of Quebec Provost Detachment in 1965.

Front row - Sgt Bayley, Sgt Jones, S/Sgt McConnery, Capt RT Hall, S/Sgt Smith, Sgt Demers and Sgt Lauzon.

2nd row - LCpl Joe Keenan, Collin Dewar, Dick White, Michel Rancourt, Frank Conabree, Maurice Dube and Leo Lapointe,

3rd row - LCpl Yves Laroche, Raymond Marcous, Ronald Pelletier and Gene Brophy,

Photo was submitted by our Provost colleague Ronald Pelletier.
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