A-32 (C Pro C Training Center) Sports Insignia
Photo of A-32 sports insignia. spacer The adjacent photo is of a crest that was worn on sport's jerseys by Canadian Provost Corps soccer and softball team players at the post WWII Provost Training Center, A-32, located at Camp Borden, Ontario. The center was subsequently renamed the former Canadian Provost Corps School, followed by the Canadian Forces School Of Security And Intelligence (CFSIS) and is currently the home of the Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA).

spacer This image of the A-32 insignia was forwarded by former member of the Canadian Provost Corps, Arthur (Robbie) Robertson who states:
  • By April 1946, A-32 was being used only as a holding unit to account for the Provost under assessment for the Interim Force but it had not yet morphed into The C Pro C School. The ball team that represented the Unit was still called A-32 and that is where the insignia came from. The team roster included some names which were to become pretty well known; including: Capt Bill Lee, Lt John Dowsett, Lt Chuck Breakey, Don Watts, Charlie Douglas, Vic Auburn, Benny Hewitt, Don Olsen, Gord Evans, Ivan Porter, Rene (Pete) Hill and myself. There are a few others that escape my memory at this time. Anyway, the summer of 1946 ended A-32's existence.