United Nations Force In Cyprus (UNFICYP)
Military Police Company (Nicosia Zone) - 1964
Group photo of UNFICYP MP Coy, Nicosia Zone - 1964.
The above photo depicts all members of the United Nations Force In Cyprus (UNFICYP) Military Police Company, Nicosia Zone, (a multi-national UN formation) in early 1964.
From left to right:
Front row - Sgt Bulgin (Uk), Sgt Gardiner (Cdn), Sgt Bratved (Dk), Ssgt Lindholm (Se), Sgt Leblanc (Cdn), Major Schmidt (Dk), Capt Lussier GA (Cdn), Ssgt Vanhakorhu (Fin) and Sgt Kent B (Cdn).
2nd row - Cpl O'Shea (Ire), Cpl Koistinen (Fin), Cpl Niriatilainnen (Fin), Cpl Manner (Fin), Cpl Albua (Fin), Cpl Ahonen (Fin), Cpl Petersen (Dk), LCpl Nadeau (Cdn), Cpl Christansen (Dk), Cpl Peteraen PK (Dk), Cpl Joergensen (Dk), Cpl Bering (Dk), Cpl Thomas DH (Cdn), LCpl Barthwick (Cdn) and Cpl Larsen (Dk).
3rd row - LCpl Weibe Hans (Cdn), Cpl Vittrup (Dk), LCpl Letoria (Cdn), LCpl Huard (Cdn), Cpl Johansen (Dk), LCpl Lapointe JP (Cdn), LCpl Vair (Cdn), Cpl Penedra (Cdn), Cpl Rasmussen (Dk), Cpl Birck (Dk), Cpl Schmmidt (Dk), Cpl Silander (Fin), Cpl Seppa (Fin) and Cpl Rahikainsen (Fin).
4th row - LCpl Pongracz (Cdn), LCpl Rail (Cdn), Cpl Isotupa (Fin), Cpl Jansen (Dk), Cpl Neilsen (Dk), LCpl Thomas RG (Cdn), Cpl Laustrup (Dk), LCpl Gibbs (Uk), Cpl Honore (Dk), Cpl Munroe (Ire), LCpl Gushue (Cdn) and Cpl Charpentier (Fin)

Photo was submitted by former member of the C Pro C, LCpl RG (Bob) Thomas.

United Nations Force In Cyprus (UNFICYP)
Military Police Company - 1964/1965
Group photo of UNFICYP MP Coy 1964 - 1965.
The above photo depicts all members of the United Nations Force In Cyprus (UNFICYP) Military Police Company over the period of September 1964 to March 1965.
From left to right:
Front row - Sgt D. Hilbert, Sgt. L.F. MacDonald., L/Sgt Cecil Shoebridge, L/Sgt W. (Bill) Leverington, SSgt A. Stjernfeldt, Capt N. Neilsen, Capt WP Stoker, Sgt FJ Desgranges, Sgt L. Bulgin, Sgt CA Bratved, Sgt U. Rennie, Sgt R. Hansen and Sgt FN Pedersen.
2nd row - Cpl TE Himberg, M. Isopupa, R.Karhu, LCpl W.J (Bill) Strahan, Cpl CJ Dejong, LCpl MW (Mike) Ford, LCpl Mike Woodward, LCpl IS (Sam) Cassidy, J. Jorgensen, J. Anderson, T. McGrath, E. Letort, JR Henningsen, Cpl JE Iversen, LCpl RR Griffis and FFG Sorensen.
3rd row - LCpl DLE (Gibby) Gibson, LCpl WG (Bill) Murdoch, KK Ihalainen, VJ Carnall, Cpl FJ Hansen, Cpl ME Linnenberg, Cpl W. MacMillan, Cpl VH Mahart, Cpl P. Kempel, Cpl N. Arentoff, Cpl AOE Koivuvuo, Cpl KK Jarvinen, Cpl S. Silander, Cpl C. Christesen, Cpl J. Maguire and Cpl JE Petersen
4th row - LCpl R. Hawes, Cpl TK Leino, LCpl DI (Doug) Hunter, Cpl HK Linnanen and LCpl A. (Al) MacDonald.

Photo was submitted by retired Master Corporal Doug Clements.
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